Definition of Space walk

1. Noun. Any kind of physical activity outside a spacecraft by one of the crew.

Generic synonyms: Activity
Derivative terms: Spacewalk

Definition of Space walk

1. Noun. Any activity performed by an astronaut outside of a space vehicle in space. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Space Walk

space simulator
space simulators
space station
space stations
space suit
space suits
space suppression
space technologies
space technology
space tourism
space travel
space vehicle
space vehicles
space velocities
space velocity
space walk
space walks
space wave
space waves
space weapon
space weapons
space weather
space writer
space writers

Literary usage of Space walk

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Space Flight: The First Thirty Years (1993)
"Gordon's first space- walk once again proved more difficult than ground simulations, and had to be cut short when he became overtired. ..."

2. Stages to Saturn: A Technological History of the Apollo/Saturn Launch Vehicle by Roger E. Bilstein (1999)
"... I in 1964 (a three-man crew), and a Russian cosmonaut Aleksey Leonov performed the first "space walk" during the ..."

3. A Dictionary of the English Language by Samuel Johnson, John Walker, Robert S. Jameson (1828)
"... a small length ; a small space ; walk ; gradation ; degree ; progression ; act of advancing ; footstep ; print of the foot ; gait ; manner of walking ..."

4. A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, and Expositor of the English Language: To by John Walker (1806)
"... or measured by one removal of the foot; a small length, a small space ; walk, passage ; progression, act of advancing, ..."

5. Landscapes of Menorca: A Countryside Guide by Rodney Ansell (2001)
"Beyond the gap is a largish open space. Walk round the right-hand edge at the side of the bushes and in 20m/yds turn right and climb over a wall beside a ..."

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